0800 946 866
The Winton Cultivator Leveller has been designed to combine the use of two implements in one pass of the paddock. The design overcomes the problem of conventional levellers where tractor wheel tracks remain behind the leveller and then when sown into grass the tractor marks are evident across the paddock for its life time. By setting the "S" tines at the desirable depth by the use of a hydraulic ram they rework the compacted soil left behind the tractor wheel marks so that the leveller creates an even finish over the entire paddock. In addition the "S" tines can be used either by them selves or in conjunction with the leveller to obtain the optimum seed bed with a minimum number of implement passes. While the "S" Tine depth is controlled by its separate hydraulics the leveller is controlled by the height of the tractor 3 point linkage on by the hydraulic control of the leveller rear wheels. Side Runners approx 3.6m long, overall lenght including drawbar approx 5.5m. Key Features
Pricing Excluding GST
Winton Engineering Ltd
0800 946 866 03 236 6077 53 Great North Road, Winton, New Zealand [email protected] |
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